Sunday, September 13, 2020


Never, ever ours,
this little rock
amongst the stars.

Yet still,
we huff and puff,
and stake our claims.

Who arrived first?
Who signed the deed?
Who has the power now?

Not human feet,
nor human hands,
nor even human minds.

How many came before?
And how many shall follow?
All for the mere blink of an eye.

Were they too
arrogant, reckless fools,
with presumptions of mastery?

Did they too
fail to truly comprehend
the grace bequeathed unto them?

Not owners,
just lucky tenants,
of a Landlord most divine.

No, never ours,
O little rock
amongst the stars.

Sunday, September 6, 2020


do you see
as your gaze
lingers upon me?

For I am more
than packaging and labels,
and the assumptions
that go with them.

I am more,
so much more:
heart and soul,
foulness and beauty,
and all the grace
that goes with them.

So whom
will you choose to see
as your gaze
lingers upon me?