Sunday, April 4, 2021

In the Beginning

"Adam fell that men might be;
and men are, that they might have joy."

Original what:
Sin? Consciousness? Grace?

Myth enshrining memory,
A moment in evolution
and we switch
from Ape to Man
from This to That
from Feeling to Seeing

Sublime visions
of something wonderful
Oh, but the works of human hands
Schemes and dreams to make heads spin
Faster! Higher! Stronger!

So many lessons learned
So much wisdom forgotten and ignored
Are we better, worse, or just different than what came before?
Two roads diverged on that ancient savanna
and we chose the double-edged sword
which clears the undergrowth, while discombobulating the soul

O blessed day!
O wretched day!
Paradise lost, and found
by those brave or foolish enough
to awaken the heart
and be

Father Adam, pray for us!
Mother Eve, pray for us!

Saturday, April 3, 2021

Thursday, April 1, 2021

Got Privilege?

Grace falls upon all
Unevenly to our eyes
Perfect for Their will

So be not ashamed
Nor prideful about your share
Just trust the kingdom